Cassava Karioka
Cassava Karioka is a delicious and easy treat made with two simple ingredients: grated cassava and brown sugar. The cassava is formed into a ball and covered with brown sugar to create a glazed finger food cassava. Really, Cassava Karioka is just a ball of deliciousness. The lusciousness of crunchy caramelized sugar-coated Cassava Karioka is just so irresistible. I tell you, a single piece of this delightful finger food snack will not be enough. You need to make more!

Cassava Karioka (Karioka Kamoteng Kahoy)
The Filipinos are very clever when it comes to making snacks or merienda to put the family together at the table. As we already know, cassava is a starchy root that is commonly used as an ingredient to an array of worldwide cuisines. Surprisingly, one fact about cassava is that it can be poisonous if eaten raw or not well-cooked. So, be careful as you cook it!
Cassava Karioka is one of those snacks that is a very popular either home-made or street food recipe. It is usually in a powerful snack group that sits together with Banana cue, Camote cue, Turon, and Maruya in a winnowing basket of a peddling vendor.

How to Make Cassava Karioka (Karioka Kamoteng Kahoy)
To perfect your Cassava Karioka, you will be needing a very few ingredients and a clear recipe guide. Since cassavas are a type of root, it should be washed completely then peel off the brown skin. Using a shredder, grate it carefully then drain the juices. You do not want sloppy and watery cassava balls later.
Now with the dried grated cassava, scoop half a tablespoon and roll it into a ball. Repeat this process for the remaining ones. Heat the pan over low heat and put some oil. The oil must be able to sink the Cassava Karioka. If there is not enough oil, then make sure to flip it to cook each side evenly.
Wait until the pan and oil are completely hot before putting the Cassava Karioka or else, it will soak too much oil and become sloppy. Use a colander to strain excess oil or you can simply transfer the cassava balls on a tissue-lined plate before serving. Enjoy!