Pastimallows is a homemade confections and is made with powdered milk, condensed milk, marshmallows, sugar and sprinkles. Pastimallows, as its name suggests, is a combination of two already delicious confections — Pastillas de Leche and Marshmallows. You only need powdered and condensed milk for the coatings, marshmallow for the filling, some candy sprinkles, and you’re good to make one!

Looking for an affordable and easy sweet treat to surprise your kids? Or delicious add ons for your business? Either way, this PastiMallows recipe will not let you down. This confectionery is basically a Pastillas-coated marshmallow that has a very winning taste.
Pastillas de Leche is another proud sweet treat of the Philippines. This treat was first made by carabao-rearing farmers in Bulacan city. Interestingly, because of the overwhelming love for this candy, a celebration called Pastillas Festival was later on established. It is simply a dough-textured small candy made of powdered and condensed milk, but it is very addicting. What more if you eat it with a soft vanilla marshmallow inside? Delightful!

I love making Pastimallows for my nieces and nephews. Sometimes, I use a flavored-marshmallow like chocolate or strawberry. The texture of the Pastillas should be soft and chewy. I am very specific with the milk that I work with, it should have a rich and balanced but not overpowering sweetness. The kids really love it and I always get an adorable small thank-you kiss for it.
How to Make Pastimallows
To make yummy Pastimallows, you will be needing a very few ingredients. It has affordable ingredients and the procedure is very easy, too. What are you waiting for?

In a bowl, mix the powdered and condensed milk until it arrives to a soft but manageable texture. Then, scoop half a tablespoon of the milk mixture and roll it into a ball. Flatten the ball into a wide round formation and put a marshmallow in the middle. Pinch all the sides together to fully enclose the filling.
Lastly, roll it over on either of the coatings: candy sprinkles or granulated white sugar. Place in a smaller cupcake liner and spear a toothpick for a more presentable look. Sweet!