Banana Pancake
Banana Pancake is made with a batter made with mashed banana, all purpose flour, egg, butter, sugar, milk, baking powder and salt. You can top up with sugar syrup or with condensed milk while serving. So level up your ordinary favourite snack by incorporating yummy and healthy bananas into it. This banana pan cake recipe will show you how to make this banana pan cake in your home.

Banana Pancake
There are a lot of beneficial effects from eating even a single banana for the day. Bananas are the best source of vitamins such as vitamin B6, vitamin C, manganese, and potassium. It greatly aids digestion, and improves heart health and blood pressure. Now, you are much aware of what supplements await your body as you peel off a banana.
On the other hand, pancakes are a popular snack to satisfy cravings. Topped up with your favorite syrup, either honey, maple, chocolate or strawberry, there is no way to hate it. It can be enjoyed in the morning or during any time of the day. By simply adding a powerful banana in your next pancake batter will automatically upgrade it, in taste and nutrition too.

How to Make Banana Pancake
If you already master the art of cooking pancakes, then you should not worry any longer. To make banana pancakes, you need to have the right ingredients and a clear recipe guide. Ingredients include egg, melted butter, sugar, salt, milk or water, flour, baking powder, your favorite syrup, and of course, the star of this recipe — bananas. It is advisable to work with the saba type of banana.

Starting off, mash the bananas in a big bowl. You can use a fork to completely slush the bananas into a paste. Then, add the other ingredients like the egg, oil or melted butter, sugar, and fresh milk. If fresh milk is not available, then you can opt to use evaporated milk or simply, clear water. Mix well until uniform in color and texture. Set it aside.
Get a separate bowl for the dry ingredients. Combine the all-purpose flour and baking powder, and add a pinch of salt.To complete the batter, add this mixture to the wet mixture and stir fully. For the cooking part, brush the pan with oil or melted butter and heat to low-medium level. Pour down the banana batter into flat rounded pancakes. Flip to evenly cook the sides. Cook for 5-7 minutes or until it gets golden brown. Stack onto a plates and enjoy!