Why try Moringa Leaves ?
Why try Moringa Leaves ? This leafy green plant is very much utilized medically as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, or anti-bacterial medicine or supplement. These are also used as an ingredient added into sunscreen, skincare, and haircare. Using everything from the leaves, roots, and flowers, and sometimes even seeds. This plant is considerably high in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, and can easily added into dishes.

A short Introduction
The Moringa or ‘Moringa oleifera’, also called many names such as the ‘drumstick tree’, ‘miracle tree’, ‘horseradish tree’, and ‘ben oil tree’. Is native to Northern India since 2000 BC, this plant grows in tropical and subtropical places like Africa and Asia. Eaten for sustenance and used as folk medicine, using its seeds, roots, leaves, and flowers traditionally for centuries. These were used by royal families and aristocrats for its beneficial effects, namely for healthy skin and mental alertness. They go as far back as Ancient India, where Maruyan fighters were given Moringa extract in the war, believing that it would strengthen and relieve them of stress from battles and injuries. Egyptians valued the Moringa oil, using it as sunscreen, gradually turning into medicine. Its popularity helped spread it from the British Empire, who was fond of the idea of using Moringa oil for salads and other dishes, to all parts of the world.
Nowadays, you’re sure to find Moringa leaves used in the Philippines, China, Eastern India, South Africa, everywhere in Southeast Asia. being an undemanding plant, easily grown, harvested, and used for a variety of purposes, even popping up in your haircare and skincare ingredient labels. This leafy vegetable is used for its seeds, fried and eaten as a snack, or crushed and made into oil to be used in dressings and other condiments, the small flowers, eaten as a vegetable in South Asia, the roots with sharp flavor are used as a condiment in some cuisines. Finally, the leaves are eaten in many ways, from soups and stews, to being dried and crushed into powder and added into baked goods.

Moringa Leaves Benefits
This is why you should try Moringa Leaves. Moringa is part of the recent wave of superfood used for centuries but were reintroduced, ‘revived’, and popularized in this past few years. Made into tablets, teas, powder and other medical aids. How many diseases can moringa cure? Around 300 or more! Many have added this into their diet due to the culture, for weight loss, filler for soups and main dishes, or just to add a ‘healthy ingredient’ to complete the meal. These some examples of what the leaves or moringa leaf powder can benefit you :
- It has as much as 7 times the vitamin C than oranges.
- It also has 15 times more potassium compared to bananas.
- A good way to add protein, iron, calcium, and amino acids to help the body heal, and for people who want to build muscle.
- For diabetes, it has insulin-like protein, helping lower blood sugar.
- Tests show that it slows pancreatic cancer cells, and helps make chemotherapy work better.
- Rich in Antioxidants and helps protect the liver.
- Reduces inflammation, quickens the body’s repair process, and makes bones healthier.
- Moringa oil is packed with zinc, which is great for boosting keratin production for stong healthy hair.
- Side effects of moringa : While very much beneficial to many, those who have low blood pressure and slow heart rate might want to lessen their intake, since the plant has alkaloids. Consuming the bark might also cause contractions.
Moringa Leaves or Malunggay in Filipino dishes
Moringa leaves, or commonly called “Malunggay” in the Philippines. Has had its resurgence, being praised for its vast health benefits. But it’s just more than for the body’s nutritional benefits. It’s also that added flavor and filler into your dishes. Here are just some examples of how to use moringa leaves, or how to cook moringa leaves :
- Tinola, or any other soup. Tinola, is a hearty dish loaded with flavor, its so deliciously easy and satisfying to make. Adding a handful of malunggay not just adds color, but extra nutrients as well.
- Malunggay Omelette, an easy breakfast idea, with just a mix of eggs, the leaves, and anything you’d like to add. It’s a great way to hide veggies from kids.
- Monggo, the healthiest soup to pair with malunggay. Made of aromatics, mung beans and some chopped pork to add a bit more flavor into it.
- Ginataang Alimasag, crab cooked in a coconut based sauce. Recommended for seafood lovers.
- Malunggay bread or malunggay pandesal. Powdered or crushed dried malunggay are added into bread not just to make it more appealing and interesting, but it’s a filling way to add the health benefits on the go.
- In pasta, adding them in alfredos for a little bit of color, or in pesto when you’re out of basil or as an addition to it. Keeping with the green theme.
- Drank as tea by using dried moringa leaves boiled in water.
- Use moringa leaves powder mixed into smoothies as a substitute to kale or spinach or any leafy greens.
This tiny leafy veggie is surprisingly packed with nutrients, easy to add into your meals and even drinks. With its subtle flavor, you’ll be shocked by how impactful this’ll be once it’s added into your diet.