Chocolate Donuts (Chocnut Donuts )
This Chocolate Donuts are made by dipping fried Donuts made with hard flour, milk, yeast, sugar, salt and egg, in a caramel mixture made by crushed chocnut, sugar and water. Before dipping in caramel, a filling, made by powdered chocnut, egg yolks, sugar, flour, milk, vanilla extract is injected into the Donut after making a hole inside donut. This sweet snack would be a nice dessert while having a reunion with your childhood friends while talking about your childhood memories.

I can definitely say that I have an adventurous taste buds and that started when I was still a kid. Our kapitbahay has a sari-sari store which I am a suki. I have this goal of tasting all of the candies and chips and everything edible from her store. With all of the candies, one of my favorite is the Chocnut. Chocnut may be considered the king of all peanut candies in the 90s. If you’re a batang 90s, you will definitely agree with me.
Chocnut has a powdery texture which crumbles easily. One is considered lucky when you buy a Chocnut from your favorite sari-sari store and it is still whole and intact. I remember making a bet with my classmates on who can keep their Chocnut whole throughout the day. We bought some Chocnut in the morning and keep it in ourselves until the end of the class. It was really a simple game and the winner will have everyone’s Chocnut.
Chocnut is not just a peanut candy. It also symbolized the simplicity of the Filipino chocolate brand. But even with a simple and traditional paper and foil packaging, you will be surprised that Chocnut is also known in other parts of the world. #FilipinoPride It was known that OFWs brought some Chocnut when they go back to their other country and initially sell those to other Filipinos in their place. Some foreigners tried it and got amazed. Even my uncle who is an OFW confirmed this story.

If you ask the kids of today what peanut candy they know, they’ll probably say the Hany. Through time, Chocnut have had a lot of contenders on the best peanut candy title. Some of them were Queen Mani Milk Chocolate, King Choc-o-Star, ChocoMani, King Chatlet, Barnut and the Hany. Today, Chocnut and Hany are now produced by the same company. Some say that if you crave for Chocnut and it’s not available, you can just get yourself some Hany. But if you’re a bonafide tatak batang 90s, Chocnut will always be special than any other peanut candies.
With our love for peanuts especially peanut candy, a great way to reminisce and revolutionize our love for Chocnut would be including them to our daily desserts. It will also be a fun way of introducing Chocnut to those who are not familiar with it. As peanuts goes well with pastry, a fun way to have our favorite chocnut is with a chocnut doughnut. Sounds intresting, right? If you want to try some chocnut doughnuts for your merienda, follow the step-by-step instructions below.
Are you ready to make an oozing chocnut doughnut? For an overview, there will be three parts in this recipe—the dough, filling and the caramel glaze.
The filling is the defining ingredient to our doughnut. With the use of chocnut, making your filling ultimately wonderful would be effortless. Our filling is a sweet custard made special with the chocnut peanut flavor. To start, prepare the milk with chocnut powder and the egg yolk mixture which are the base ingredients for a lovely custard. Combine the two mixtures together and simply boil it until it thickens. When the filling is done, move on to the next major ingredient which is the dough.

If you have prepared any type of bread before, the steps in making the actual doughnut will involve similar steps. Simply mix all ingredients until you form a nice dough. The next steps will involve letting it rest and cutting into circles which is the classic doughnut shape. If you wanted to be unique, you can actually cut them into other shapes. Fry the doughnuts and let it cool. Poke a small hole on one side of each doughnut and fill them with our lovely chocnut filling. I like mine really bursting with every bite so I definitely put a lot.
The last part would be the caramel glaze. Of course, we will still use our star ingredient—the chocnut. This part is much easier than the previous ones. Just mix chocnut powder, sugar and water and let it boil until it becomes a nice caramel glaze. Dip the top of your chocnut doughnuts for that wonderful crown. Share some of these sweet treats especially to those who do not know about chocnut. Enjoy!
Chocnut Donut Recipe Video
Chocnut Donut Recipe (TAGALOG)
Para sa dough:
- 350 grams hard flour
- 42 grams butter (pinalambot)
- 1 itlog
- 7 grams ng yeast
- 53 grams ng asukal
- 160 grams gatas (maligamgam)
- 7 grams asin
Para sa filling:
- 3 pula ng itlog
- 50 grams asukal
- 1 kutsara ng vanilla extract
- 25 grams harina
- 250 mL gatas
- 85 grams Chocnut powder
Para sa caramel:
- 1/3 tasa ng tubig
- 2/3 tasa ng asukal na puti
- 3 piraso ng Chocnut

Para sa filling:
- I-sift ang mga Chocnut candies para maging powder.
- Sa isang malaking bowl, paghaluin ang pula ng itlog at asukal. I-whisk ito hanggang maging light yellow. Ilagay ang harina at haluin ng mabuti.
- Sa isang kaldero, ilagay ang gatas, Chocnut powder at vanilla. Haluin hanggang matunaw ang Chocnut powder.
- Paunti-unting ilagay ang milk mixture sa egg yolk mixture. Lutuin ang mixture at haluin ng tuloy tuloy hanggang lumapot.
- Palamigin ang filling at ilagay sa ref.
Para sa dough:
- Paghaluin ang gatas, yeast at asukal sa isang maliit na bowl. Hayaan ito ng 7 hanggang 10 minuto.
- Sa isa pang bowl, paghaluhaluin ang hard flour, asin, yeast mixture at itlog hanggang magkabuo ng isang dough. Masahin ang dough ng ilang minuto.
- Ilagay ang butter sa dough at masahin ng ilang minuto hanggang humalo na ang butter sa dough.
- Kapag smooth na, i-roll ang dough sa isang ball. Takpan ito ng isang oras hanggang dumoble.
- I-punch ang dough para matanggal ang hangin. I-flatten ang dough ng 1 – 2 cm at i-cut sa maliliit na bilog. Hayaan ang dough circlers ng isang oras hanggang umalsa pa ito.
- Magpainit ng mantika gamit ang 170C at iprito ang dough circles. Kapag naging brown na, baliktarin para maluto ang kabilang side. Palamigin ang pinritong doughnuts sa cooling rack. Gawin ang steps na ito sa iba pang dough.
Para sa Chocnut doughnuts:
- Gumawa ng maliit na butas sa gilid ng doughnut gamit ang maliit na kutsilyo.
- Ilagay ang filling sa isang pastry bag.
- Lagyan ng Chocnut filling ang mga doughnuts.
Para sa caramel:
- Sa maliit na bowl, magdurog ng Chocnut candies at lagyan ng asukal.
- Lagyan ng tubig ang powder mixture at pakuluan hanggang lumapot.
- I-dip ang doughnut sa caramel. Gawin ang step na ito sa lahat ng doughnuts.
- Ilipat ang Chocnut doughnuts sa isang serving plate at ienjoy kasama ang mainit na kape o tsaa.