What is Marang Fruit ?

What is Marang Fruit ? An interesting tropical fruit found in the Philippines. The Marang fruit is a large sweet aromatic fruit that tastes like a mix of pears, pineapple, and jackfruit. Marang is a breadfruit cousin, also known as Madang, johey oak, terap, or the scientific name ‘Artocarpus Odoratissimus’ in Latin, meaning ‘a sweet taste and odor’. A delicious special fruit that only grows in tropical climates, also known for its rich source of fiber, energy and carbohydrates. But what exactly makes it so unique?

marang fruit

Short Introduction

Marang fruit in English is a type of ‘Breadfruit’ which are versatile fruits from the Mulberry Family, that can be eaten in all stages of development and maturity. This is one of the healthiest and unique fruits in the Philippines. A common figure around Mindanao, while it looks like a hybrid of Kamansi (breadnut) and Langka (jackfruit), it’s softer and has a more favorable scent especially when ripened. 

Marang origins; The marang fruit tree grows in countries with tropical climates, namely, Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The marang tree grows to a height of approximately 25 meters, and bears fruit after 4 to 5 years, is harvested manually since they do not fall onto the ground unless they are overripe, during September, October, and occasionally December. The fruit bears resemblance to the jackfruit, with large green or sometimes brown spiny skin with dull ends, it of the same size or smaller than a football. Lightly sliced with a knife to open, pulling the skin apart to a cluster of white or yellowish soft flesh like bulbs with seeds hidden inside, surrounding the inedible core. The seeds are only edible after it’s roasted. You can pick the meat with a fork or by hand. It has a custard-like texture and tastes like a mix of jackfruit, pear, and pineapple.

A notable disadvantage to the marang is that, once opened, this oxidizes and loses its flavor. So it’s best to eat it on the same day, gather friends and family to enjoy this with!

marang fruit stall with durian

Marang Fruit Benefits

A sweet tasting delectable fruit, that might seem discreet as it’s lesser known compared to its fellow similar looking compatriots. Marang calories are around 60 – 120 calories per serving of 100 grams of the flesh with the seeds removed. These are packed full of goodness that you’ll be shocked as to why you haven’t heard of it before. But is marang fruit good for diabetic? What benefits can this interesting looking fruit have? Check out the benefits below:

  • Helps relieve constipation, being a rich source of dietary fiber that not only helps the gut, it helps relieve you of stomach problems and diseases.
  • Since having a healthy gut is the prerequisite for a strong and healthy body, this helps with the body’s metabolism.
  • Reduces the risk of anemia, being a good source of iron.
  • Keeps the heart healthy, as these have a huge amount of potassium, it also regulates blood pressure levels.
  • Has Vitamin A or beta carotene, a great way to improve and keep your vision strong.

* Do note that while there are not many notable problems, the marang fruit has some side effects for those who have bleeding disorders or are sensitive to bananas and figs, this might cause an allergic reaction or lower blood pressure.

marang fruit opened

Marang fruit Vs. Jackfruit

When you first look at it, you might be a bit confused on which is which. But after considering these point, you’ll be sure to notice the difference, from the looks, texture and taste:

  • Jackfruit is round or pear shaped with small spines, while Marang is round or oblong shaped with soft broad spines.
  • Marang is usually smaller than jackfruit.
  • The Jackfruit has yellow stringy flesh, while marang has white bulb-shaped flesh.
  • Jackfruit tastes subtly sweet, like a light pineapple or mango flavor. It tastes more neutral as these are used in savory dishes or meat substitutes.
  • Marang tastes like a combination of pineapple, jackfruit, and pears.

Marang is an exotic fruit commonly found in the many mountainous regions of Mindanao, Philippines. These have a natural sweetness and creaminess that can be enjoyed as is, turned into jam, syrup, concentrate, powdered, puree, preserves, or even bread, some even add them into desserts like ice cream and especially other cream based desserts.

marang fruit inside flesh

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