Glutinous Rice

Glutinous Rice

Glutinous rice or in Tagalog ‘Malagkit Rice’ went from a simple common component in Southeast and East Asian dishes to a worldwide superstar. Following the health trends and diet culture? There are a lot of factors on why many have decided to try out and use glutinous rice, from wanting to be more healthy, because…

Purple Yam

Purple Yam

Purple Yam is a delightful ingredient for the eyes and taste buds. This pretty colored starchy root crop also known as ‘Ube’ or “Dioscorea alata’ is not only desired for its warm vanilla-like taste and added coloring that makes everything look good; these are also a good source of vitamins, carbohydrates, and potassium. There’s just…

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Champorado (also called as tsampurado) is a chocolate sweet rice porridge made of glutinous rice or sticky rice and tablea or cocoa. Often served as a breakfast dish, champorado provides a heart warming start to the day, infusing mornings with a dose of nostalgia and comfort. People love to eat champorado for breakfast, and you…

Corn Flour

Corn Flour

Corn Flour is flour made of ‘maize’ or ‘corn’ that comes from the dried corn kernels grinded till it turns into powder. A whole grain finely milled flour that includes the whole kernel-grain meaning that it also includes the bran and the germ. While it does have similarities to ‘cornstarch’ both being made of corn…

Stir-fry Squid

Stir-fry Squid

Stir-fry squid a quick and easy seafood dish featuring the flavors of squid, soy sauce, pepper, garlic, chili flakes and ginger. If you only have 3 minutes extra time to cook, this seafood recipe is for you! This stir fry squid recipe is super tasty and very easy to make. Best partnered with some hot…

All Purpose Flour

All Purpose Flour

All Purpose Flour is an ‘all around’ versatile type of medium-gluten flour thus the name it’s given. Made of hard or soft protein wheat flour, or a mix of both. Typically used in cooking and baking almost all goods like breads, cakes, pies, as a thickener, or batter for frying. This ingredient has been made…

Tortang Sardinas (Sardine Omelette)

Tortang Sardinas (Sardine Omelette)

Tortang Sardinas, or Sardine Omelette, is a popular Filipino dish that combines canned sardines with eggs and various vegetables. This simple and delicious recipe is a great way to elevate canned sardines into a flavorful and satisfying meal. Canned sardines are mashed and mixed with onions, carrots, spring onions, and flour, then combined with beaten…