Pork Chops

Pork Chops

Pork chops also called the ‘loin cuts’ are one of the most popular and priciest part of the pig, and is sometimes referred as the equivalent to a beefsteak and can be cut in various shapes, sizes, with the bone in or boneless. The easiest to cook and can be pan-fried, grilled, broiled, roasted, with…

Sigarilyas (winged beans)

Sigarilyas (winged beans)

What exactly are Sigarilyas (winged beans)? The Winged bean plant or more commonly called ‘Cigarillas’ or spelled ‘Sigarilyas’, ‘manila bean’, or ‘princess bean’ are considered legumes found in many Asian cuisines. A tropical climbing plant, with tender frilly elongated pods with pointed tips similar to an arrow, these are lime green in color, has a…



Gulaman is the Filipino version of gelatin, it’s close in texture and taste to regular gelatin or agar-agar. A carrageenan that is used to create desserts with a jelly-like base. This is usually in powdered form, but can also be found in dry bar form, most often colored, flavored or unflavored. Creating wonderful and interesting…

Monggo (Mung Beans)

Monggo (Mung Beans)

Monggo, or in English ‘Mung Beans’ (scientific name Vigna radiata) are small green beans widely cultivated and used in Southeast Asia. Part of the legume family alongside chickpeas, beans, and lentils. It is a affordable rich source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This is popular in Filipino cuisine, the ‘Monggo’ or ‘Pork Monggo’ being…

Sweet Potato (Kamote)

Sweet Potato (Kamote)

The Sweet Potato (Kamote) or called the scientific name ‘ipomoea batatas’, is an underground tuber belonging to the morning glory family. A staple food in many parts of the world, you might recognize them as the copper or vibrant orange, pink, or purple colored potato with a creamy texture and a sweet, earthy, warm taste,…

Langka (Jackfruit)

Langka (Jackfruit)

What is Langka (Jackfruit) ? An underutilized crop that is part of the breadfruit, mulberry and fig family. It is deliciously chewy and nutrition packed, with even lower calories than rice or corn. This tropical fruit grows around Asia, South America, and Africa, distinguished by the small dull spiked bumpy skin and vibrant yellow fibrous…

Saluyot (Nalta Jute)

Saluyot (Nalta Jute)

Saluyot, or in English ‘Nalta Jute’, is a leafy herbal plant you can easily find anywhere in the Philippines. While it is a common vegetable eaten by every Filipino, it is a plant that can also be found in many tropical or subtropical weather countries. The Saluyot has many medicinal uses, known for the good…

Soursop (Guyabano)

Soursop (Guyabano)

The Soursop (Guyabano), is part of the flowering evergreen tree family ‘Annona muricata’, native to the tropics and areas around Central and South America. It gained its popularity from its delectable sweet flavor and velvety texture, plus the cancer fighting health benefits. It helps give the body a good shot of immunity boosting nutrients and…

Hito (Catfish)

Hito (Catfish)

The Hito fish, also known as ‘Catfish’ in English is a ray-finned fish that got its name due to the long feelers or whiskers near the mouth that resemble whiskers. Not to be confused by the name you call a person creating a fake social media profile to trick others, like the MTV show. This…

Water Spinach (KangKong)

Water Spinach (KangKong)

What is Water Spinach (KangKong) ? A familiar vegetable that you can easily find in grocery stores, wet markets, served at restaurants as a main dish or side dish, or easily cooked at home. It is a herbaceous perennial tropical plant that is aquatic or semi-aquatic, known for it’s tender hollow shoots or stems. A…