Purple Yam

Purple Yam

Purple Yam is a delightful ingredient for the eyes and taste buds. This pretty purple colored starchy root crop also known as ‘Ube’ or “Dioscorea alata’ is not only desired for its warm vanilla-like taste and added coloring that makes everything look good. These are also a good source of vitamins, carbohydrates, and potassium. There’s…

Corn Flour – A versatile milled gluten-free flour

Corn Flour – A versatile milled gluten-free flour

Corn Flour is flour made of ‘maize’ or ‘corn’ that comes from the dried corn kernels grinded until it turns into powder. A whole grain finely milled flour that includes the whole kernel-grain meaning that it also includes the bran and the germ. While it does have similarities to ‘cornstarch’ both being made of corn…

Banana Ketchup – A Tangy & Sweet Filipino Condiment

Banana Ketchup – A Tangy & Sweet Filipino Condiment

Banana Ketchup is sometimes spelled as ‘Banana Catsup’ or called tomato-banana sauce by some. A Unique and popular Philippine-made ‘ketchup’ with fruit condiment made of bananas, with or without tomatoes, vinegar, soy sauce, spices, sugar and or more depending on the brand. It typically has a yellow reddish-brown color but is more so processed and…

Oyster Sauce

Oyster Sauce

Oyster Sauce, is a richly umami and savory sweet sauce made by boiling oysters with sugar, salt and other ingredients, repeatedly boiling till the oyster juices have caramelized, thickened with cornstarch, with many other ingredients added into a thick brown molasses colored condiment depending on the brand. These can be made from home, but are…

Rice Flour

Rice Flour

Rice Flour is white or brown dry rice (uncooked rice) finely milled into powder. Not to be confused with rice scratch that has an added step of using lye to step rice. Used in many traditional main dishes and desserts in Asian cuisine, used as a thickening agent, for frying, and in the past few…

Quickmelt Cheese

Quickmelt Cheese

Quickmelt Cheese from the Philippine brand ‘Magnolia’ thus its other name “Magnolia Quickmelt Cheese” is a cheese that has been processed through pasteurizing milk solids and high-grade cheddar. This combination creates a delightfully excellent cheese that melts quickly and gives you that wonderfully gooey texture. This product can be found sold at supermarkets, groceries, online…

Puso ng Saging

Puso ng Saging

Puso ng Saging or what many may know as “Banana Heart” is not a common ingredient found or used outside Asian cuisine. These are an edible, fibrous, and very healthy ingredient found fresh at groceries or dry markets, canned in brine or water, or cleaned then sliced and packaged to be frozen. Bought by many…

Lucky Me!

Lucky Me!

Lucky Me! is a popular noodle brand in the Philippines. Introduced by Monde Nissin Corporation in 1989, the corporation also holds another famous brand, ‘Skyflakes biscuits’. Known to some as one of the top noodle brands in the Philippines, these have numerous varieties of instant food, especially dry packet noodles sold in plastic packages or…



Oranges (orange fruit), or the Sweet Orange is part of the citrus Rutaceae family, a bright orange circular fruit that comes in a lot of sizes, and even colors depending on the country, region, and season. What is orange juice good for? This low calorie nutritious juicy, sweet and delicious fruit can contribute a lot…