Cabbage or Repolyo

Cabbage or Repolyo

Cabbage is a deliciously versatile leafy vegetable that is rich in fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that very much helps with gut health. This vegetable belongs under the ‘Brassica Oleracea’ species that makes them a relative to kale, brussel sprouts, broccoli, and the cauliflower. Grows the whole year round and goes along with many savory…

Almond Milk

Almond Milk

In the last few years, many alternatives to cow milk and other dairy products have come out. However, almond milk has easily become the talk of the town. Whether it is lactose-avoiders, vegans or culinary enthusiasts, people worldwide are turning to almond milk because of its mild flavor and rich texture that works with almost…

Purple Yam

Purple Yam

Purple Yam is a delightful ingredient for the eyes and taste buds. This pretty purple colored starchy root crop also known as ‘Ube’ or “Dioscorea alata’ is not only desired for its warm vanilla-like taste and added coloring that makes everything look good. These are also a good source of vitamins, carbohydrates, and potassium. There’s…

Corn Flour – A versatile milled gluten-free flour

Corn Flour – A versatile milled gluten-free flour

Corn Flour is flour made of ‘maize’ or ‘corn’ that comes from the dried corn kernels grinded until it turns into powder. A whole grain finely milled flour that includes the whole kernel-grain meaning that it also includes the bran and the germ. While it does have similarities to ‘cornstarch’ both being made of corn…