What is Evaporated Milk ?

What is Evaporated Milk ?

Evaporated milk is an ingredient known to many as ‘unsweetened condensed milk’. This is a dairy product where almost 60% of the water has been evaporated. A great substitute for condensed milk if you’d prefer something less sweet and not as thick in texture. But why use evaporated milk instead? What dishes can you make…

What is Condensed Milk ?

What is Condensed Milk ?

Condensed milk is made from any milk, usually cow’s milk, with at least 60% of the water removed, often added with sugar as thickener. Canned sweetened condensed milk is a pantry staple used by many bakers to add sweetness or moisture into the baked goods without making them too wet. Some prefer using this can…

What is Okra ?

What is Okra ?

Okra (in english ‘ladies’ fingers’) or the scientific name Okro Abelmoschus, is a flowering plant that’s part of the mallow family. A staple to many tropical and subtropical regions in the world. This warm weather vegetable that’s easy to cook and add into the diet is also chock full of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals,…

What is Sayote ?

What is Sayote ?

Sayote or Chayote in English ( scientific name Sechium edule ) is a fruit, but is eaten as a vegetable. This summer squash originated from Mexico, and are now commonly cultivated throughout tropical and subtropical regions around the world. A fruit that belongs to the gourd family, these have fast growing climbing vines, it bears…

What is Pompano ?

What is Pompano ?

Pompano is a marine fish also known as ‘pampano’ or ‘jacks’, a deep-bodied fish that has a silver to blue graduation of color on its body’s scales, with the fins gradually turning to a yellow hue or sometimes in a darker blue color. But what kind of fish is Pompano and why has it been…

What are Shrimps ?

What are Shrimps ?

Shrimps are small decapod crustaceans with an elongated semi-transparent flattened body, swimming in locomotion using a flexible abdomen and a fan-like tail. They beloved by many foodies for it’s sweet tender meat, and versatility to add into many savory and even some sweet and savory dishes. With many ways to turn into a delectable dish…

What is Marang Fruit ?

What is Marang Fruit ?

What is Marang Fruit ? An interesting tropical fruit found in the Philippines. The Marang fruit is a large sweet aromatic fruit that tastes like a mix of pears, pineapple, and jackfruit. Marang is a breadfruit cousin, also known as Madang, johey oak, terap, or the scientific name ‘Artocarpus Odoratissimus’ in Latin, meaning ‘a sweet…

What is Curacha ?

What is Curacha ?

The Curacha Crab in Chavacano, or ‘red frog crab’ or ‘spanner crab’ in English is a common shellfish found in the waters of Sulu. Being a cross between a big spiny lobster and a large sea crab with a rich vibrant red color, its meat mostly comes from the belly rather than the usual fat…

What is Seaweed ?

What is Seaweed ?

Seaweed is a general term for as many as 11,000 species of algae, or plants that grow in a variety of waters. These macroalgae or marine algae come in different colors and are found in the bottom of the sea or other solid structures. Made into savory salty ingredients and snacks usually ready for consumption,…

What are Onions ?

What are Onions ?

Onions, the common onion, or bulb onion is a wildly cultivated vegetable from the genus Allium (including garlic, chives, and leeks). This herbaceous biennial plant is grown for its edible bulb made of several translucent layers, with a strong pungent smell and flavor is grown worldwide and often eaten as food or made into medicine….