Yummy Kitchen

What is Okra ?

Okra (in english ‘ladies’ fingers’) or the scientific name Okro Abelmoschus, is a flowering plant that’s part of the mallow family. A staple to many tropical and subtropical regions in the world. This warm weather vegetable that’s easy to cook and add into the diet is also chock full of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a very good source of nutrients for the body. But why exactly do we need to add this into our diet?

Okra Origins

The okra plant is actually considered a fruit but is eaten and cooked as a vegetable. It’s said to have come from Ethiopia, cultivated by Egyptians and spread though the Middle East and North Africa. Hailing from Africa, the name came from the West African word ‘nkruma’, brought to the United States 3 centuries ago and renamed into ‘Okra’ in the late 18th century. Then spread world wide. The Okra family includes cotton and hibiscus plants. These thrive in warmer climates, hence being a staple to many tropical and subtropical countries.

A short Okra description is that It’s a small green or red fruit with a spear or pointed finger-like shape, covered in a peach like fuzz all around, with a mild grassy taste. Once cooked, it turns to a deeper flavor that emphasizes more on texture being very tender and creamy or crispy but still juicy. Every Part of the okra can be used, from the seeds, stem, leaves, pods, buds, and flowers. A food source that has been cultivated for hundreds of years, from using okra water as traditional medicine for diabetes, seed pods were cooked and eaten, while the seeds were toasted, grounded and used as a coffee substitute by some, you can even find some people using it as so today, the seeds are turned into oil, okra soup, okra flowers are fried or sauteed like spinach, turned into a side dish, pickled, with more modern recipes of fried or roasted okra using the oven or air fryer. There are a variety of methods to enjoy these funny looking green fingers.

Okra Benefits

An abundant vegetable that can be eaten as a whole by steaming, frying, sauteing and more.it’s packed full of nutrients that make your gut happy. There are a number of okra benefits for men and women, like the ones below:

*Though one should note that Okra side effects, or consuming too much or daily might affect some people with gastrointestinal problems like gas, cramping, bloating, diarrhea, and kidney stones.

The Abundance of Ladies’ Fingers in the Philippines

A popular vegetable-fruit that’s very profitable, while not as mainstream as some fruits and vegetables. As of 2021 the Philippines has started exporting okra to the Korean market, with Japan being one of the usual exports this fruit is brought to,.

In 2022, there was even a surplus of okra in the market that many took an opportunity to produce something with this easygoing ‘fruit’. While loved or hated for its slimy texture, it goes to show how innovative you can get with it, from creating wonderful dishes to toothpaste, paper, or to feel livestock. But if you are trying to get into this interesting ingredient, here are some Okra recipes you should try out!

Great for those who want to integrate them in your diet. Especially with the boom of increasingly health conscious people and the desire for more sickness preventing aids to the body. Okra which can sustain and help the body in so many ways is one of the best choices to add into your meals. Just make sure not to over eat as with many other great things, everything has to be in moderation.