Yummy Kitchen

Green Papaya

The Green Papaya is an unripe fruit of the typical ripened yellow-orange papaya berry that we are all familiar with. This pear-shaped dark green fruit weighs around 900 grams and has light yellow almost translucent in color flesh that is quite hard and firm. These are usually added or made into dishes that need some crunch, a mild flavored flesh that follows whatever flavor it’s added with, you can usually find them sautéed, turned into pickles, or added into salads. Read this article to find out more on how to enjoy this refreshing delicacy.

A short Introduction

The Green papaya vegetable is just the unripe version or the sweet fully ripened papaya we typically see at the fruit stands/fruit sections. Not to be confused with ‘Chayote (sayote)’ that is more like a squash in the gourd family. Green papayas have a pear-shape form with lime green to dark green skin, peeled to show the translucent lightly tinted yellow or very lightly tinted green colored flesh, with a pocket of small white or black circular seeds at the center cavity. The flesh feels very firm, almost like that of a green mango (unripe mango) that you can easily slice or grate. The seeds like the ripe papaya, while uncommon, can be eaten for its peppery and slightly tart taste. Some even use the seeds as a substitute for pepper. 

Available all year round, the tropical green papaya is used more like vegetable growing on trees that reach a height of 12 feet. There are 2 types of papaya; Hawaiian papaya or Mexican papaya, each named after where it’s from, though there are also several other classifications depending on its size, color, or weight. A native to the countries from where it’s called and in Central to Southern America, these are more commonly eaten and used in Thai and Vietnamese cuisine. For more information about papayas, especially the ripe ‘fruit-berry’ , check out this article here (Papaya).

Will green papaya ripen? Yes it will. If unharvested the green papaya will grow till its larger ripe orange form that is eaten as a typical fruit raw. If harvested as a green papaya, it’s best to use it as it to see the difference in flavor and texture, but if you’d like it to turn the unripe harvested papaya into the usual papaya fruit, then cover this with a paper bag or clean paper at room temperature or fridge. This will slowly ripen after 3 days to a week depending on how ripe it was. You can buy the green papaya at groceries, supermarkets, or dry markets. And make them into Som Tum a summer-y refreshing Thai green papaya salad, curries, into ‘Achara’ a Filipino side sweet and tangy pickled side dish, or ‘Ginisang Papaya’ a warm and cozy rainy day staple dish for most Filipino households. (check out the recipes below)

Green papaya benefits

A healing unripe version of the papaya. The green papaya nutrition profile include; per 100 grams are 88 grams water, .5 protein, 11 carbohydrates, 1-2 grams fiber, with some glucose and sugars, and only 40 calories. This superfood has high levels of calcium, lycopene, potassium, Vitamins A, C, and E, Iron, antioxidants, carotenoids, and magnesium. These are all needed in the body for:

Green papaya vs papaya

Green papaya substitute


The easiest way is to handle this enjoyable refreshing fruit-berry is to add them to the following: