Yummy Kitchen


Salt, an essential ingredient not only for food but in life. A mineral mainly made out of sodium and chloride ions ( NaCl ), you can find it being used as an ingredient in almost every recipe whether sweet, savory, sour, or bitter, in drinks, in medicine that we intake or apply topically, for cleaning, bleaching, tanning, making soaps, therapy, pottery, for construction in mixtures for plasters, and even special ones for plants. The raw form is a natural crystalline mineral, or halite, or rock, crushed coarsely or finely like powder depending on how it needs to be used. We mainly know this flavorful crystal as an important ingredient used in food to make dishes tastier and stronger, and has been used as a preservative for a thousand of years. But with so many centuries of using this, how did it actually come to be?

A short Introduction

A mineral almost always partnered as “salt and pepper”, and is dubbed as the “single most important ingredient in food” due to how much it changes how food tastes, and how it enhances savory to sweet of any type of dish. As one of the oldest essential cooking ingredients, food without this main component is just tastes bland and feels lacking in one way or the other. It’s been dated to be used since 6000 BC, prized by many that it was traded along the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara. This was even fought wars over due to the scarcity, and even used to raise tax revenues, in religious ceremonies, and other traditional or cultural importance.

But these are not just used in the culinary world but are aside from seasoning, marinating, brining, garnish, or pickling. You can find them used to put out a fire, to deodorize shoes, as a natural mouthwash as well as easing sore throat, a little is said to help exfoliate the skin, cleaning residues in glasses and ceramics, cleaning fish tanks, and keeping flowers in place as well as keeping these fresh. Though one should know the effects of salt on the body, too much sodium or salty food can cause high blood pressure, stroke, heat problems, and swelling.

Kinds of Salt

Not just a plain, coarsely, or smoothly grounded white flavoring agent we know. Modern time has modern uses and different innovations on the type of salt that produces the best results for different dishes or objects. Here are some of the most common options used:

Salt Questions

While salty food is great once in a while, there are times that it just does not suit the food. When over salting savory dishes, adding a squeeze of lemon or range can help, other options include pouring a dash of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar to neutralize the taste.

Using salt for preservation has been done since the dawn of time. You might notice them still being eaten today. These are salt curing like making jerky, making smoked salmon, or adding these into pickle brine.

Our Yummy ‘Salty’ food examples :