Yummy Kitchen

Puso ng Saging

Puso ng Saging or what many may know as “Banana Heart” is not a common ingredient found or used outside Asian cuisine. These are an edible, fibrous, and very healthy ingredient found fresh at groceries or dry markets, canned in brine or water, or cleaned then sliced and packaged to be frozen. Bought by many due to its many health benefits and the banana heart being very affordable and easy to add into quite a lot of dishes, with different parts of the heart or ‘flowers’ that can be separated and cooked differently. From a raw salad to numerous savory recipes, especially found stewed with coconut milk or cream, and more recently used as a meat alternative (for vegan meat) dishes.

A Brief History

Literally the heart of a banana tree, found in the middle of the banana cluster. These are large purple looking buds with many layers, resembling an artichoke where you would need to peel the ‘petals’ to find the hidden silky heart in the middle. The small flowers found in between the petals are called ‘banana blossoms, and are the flowers that will soon turn into the banana. A bit starchy and neutral in taste, no banana flavor whatsoever, making them versatile and easy to flavor. It’s cooked by removing the purple petals while keeping the small flowers to the side to be used (most of the times the pistil in the middle is removed), then one you get into the middle where the flesh is more soft, these are sliced to medium or smaller pieces to be cooked or added into omelets, stews, or many other dishes, with or without the flowers.

Cultivated by Southeast Asians, the Indo Burma region being the center origin of the banana. Malaysia prepares the blossoms to be cooked into curry, Philippines and Indonesia simmer the flowers in coconut milk, and savory spices, serving it as a main dish. Banana Blossoms can be eaten raw, added into salads, cooked in stir-fries, soups, or noodles. Recently it has amassed a good following of vegans who have used this banana heart as a substitute to fish due to being fibrous but very soft and tender without being mushy. 

Guide to Cleaning Banana Blossoms

How to clean puso ng saging? To use this flowering plant, you’ll need to unwrap the layers, like unwrapping a gift. Peeling the inedible purple layers till you get to the pale yellow heart (core). In between the purple leaves are the coveted small vertical flowers. These while very interesting in taste and texture are a bit of a pain to clean and prepare. But it will all be worth it once you find yourself taking a spoonful of luscious goodness.

Puso ng Saging Benefits

Puso ng Saging calories for 100 grams of serving is around 100 grams. A far less common ingredient, banana flower is considered a delicacy as well as medicine in outer cultures.

Puso ng Saging recipes:

How to cook ‘Puso ng Saging’ in English ‘Banana Heart’? Though unusual, are highly nutritious and are neutral in flavor, making it easy to mix into different recipes such as: