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Cucumber is a refreshing lean and long green garden vegetable with a high water content from the same family as pumpkins and watermelons. These are technically fruits but are more considered and cooked as a vegetable as these have a mildly sweet and cool taste, and slightly tastes like a melon fruit. This creeping vine plant is under the Cucurbitaceae family that almost always bears spherical or cylindrical fruits. There are many benefits to this fruit-vegetable such as preventing constipation, lowers blood sugar, and for a healthy weight loss.

A short Introduction

Is cucumber a fruit? What does a cucumber plant look like? Cucumbers or ‘Cucumis sativus’ is a cultivated climbing plant under the Cucurbitaceae family that produces spherical and cylindrical fruits. A popular plant with a subtle sweet and refreshing taste, has light lime to dark green color with an elongated cylindrical shape that can be as long as 24 inches with a 4 inch diameter. An annual plant with 3 varieties; pickling, seedless, and slicing, which under these 3 have several other cultivars. These are said to have originated from the Himalayas to China and Thailand and have since then grown to almost every continent, commercially grown and traded on the global market.

Consisting of 95% water, this, while considered a fruit, is a botanical berry with no hard rind and no divisions. Similarly to fruit-like vegetables like tomatoes or plants from the squash family. These are more likely to be prepared as a vegetable. Popularly eaten in salads, or drank as cucumber water or juice that is said to help detox, made into cucumber sandwiches to give a fresh taste and a bit of a crunch, added into sauces, burgers, and many more.

Cucumber benefits

Cucumber calories are about 10 out of a serving of 100 grams, with a list of cucumber nutrition coming to a list of 1.5 carbohydrates, 0.7 protein, 0.1 fat, and 0.6 fiber. This high water content vegetable-fruit is very beneficial as it’s packed with antioxidants, fiber, low in calories, is full of water and is ideal for hydration and weight loss. Here are more benefits:

Pipino farming in the Philippines:

Cucumber or ‘Pipino’ sometimes spelled ‘Pepino’ in Tagalog is a highly profitable agricultural crop in the Philippines. While widely known to be associated with Mediterranean dishes, they are also popular in the Philippines as there are 3 varieties: the spiny cucumber, white cucumber, and the common green cucumber. Eaten raw, added into salads, sauces and or pickled to be eaten for later or to eat as a natural probiotic. While seldom eaten or seen in Filipino dishes here are some Cucumber Recipes we recommend :

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