Yummy Kitchen

What is a Durian ?

The famous or infamous Durian (scientific name ‘Durio’), a fruit that very much represents ‘either you love it or hate it’ very clearly. Popular in Southeast Asia, lovingly eaten by many if you love a less sweet fruit, that’s creamy almost custard in texture, and loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and fiber.

A Brief Introduction

Called the ‘King of fruits’ particularly grown in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Distinguished by its spiky green skin, sliced to release that familiar pungent aroma, revealing those white sometimes yellow, with some variations with the meat also found to be red or green in color, creamy bittersweet meat also called ‘durian pulp’, with large seeds that are not edible until they are roasted or boiled. Available in a number of varieties, the most common that we do see sold in groceries, wet markets, or street stalls are the ‘Durio zibethinus’. This fruit is  loved by those who are willing to overcome the smell. The flavors that most people taste from this thorny looking fruit are a combination of garlic, almonds, cheese and caramel. Weighing around 1 – 3 kilograms, this makes around 2 cups of edible pulp, eaten as is, or added into sweet or savory dishes.

Why does it smell and taste good or bad to some people?

People have different senses of smell or olfactory system. Depending on this, some find the durian smell very appealing and others think that they are smelling something rotten. The first thing when one encounters the durian is the smell, which depending on this, makes our brain to think that this is either ‘yummy’ or ‘unappetizing’. Though some have tried conditioning themselves to think and find durian smell to be ‘good’ for health reasons.

How to clean and prepare the Durian fruit

Eaten for its creamy texture and interesting taste, indulged and added into dishes in many ways, or eaten as for its medical benefits. Durian is a treat to those who’d like more fiber and less sugar into their diet, or just want something novel on their palate.

Durian vs Jackfruit

Having a lot of similarities being a Southeast Asian fruit, but very distinguishable once you have it in sight, here are some differences:

Durian Benefits

More than just a stinky fruit, Durians are diverse which is quite rare in the realm of fruits. While there are many myths on why the durian should not be eaten with certain food, further research shows that it packs a whole lot of goodness more than problems, like most fruits, eaten in moderation.

Durian in the Filipino food industry

In the Philippines, Mindanao is the island where you can likely find the Durian fruit sold almost everywhere. With our own number of varieties of durian, one under the name ‘native’ comes in either ‘seed or seedless’, with others being Thornless durian, Mamer, and Arabrine. Easily added into the dish by taking the whole meat seedless, simmering into the sauce to add an extra creamy thickness, blended with other sweeteners and creams to fill pastries, and more:

The Durian, is an interesting fruit that you’ll just need to give a chance to to really be able to appreciate it.