Yummy Kitchen

Chinese Chives (Kuchay)

The Chinese Chives vegetable ( Kuchay ), Chinese leek, or called its scientific name ‘Allium tubersosum’ is part of the edible flowering plant family. This type of Chives are known for the similar traits to scallions or spring onions, being a perennial plant under the onion family that helps avert pests, which makes them great companions to other garden plants. Compared to the other herbs under the onion family, these have a sweet and mild garlicky taste in contrast to the common chive. Check out the article to find why chives are so beloved in many Southeast Asian recipes.

A Short Introduction

Chinese chives, known by other names like ‘Chinese Leeks’, ‘Oriental garlic’, ‘Asian chives’, ‘Kuchay’, or ‘Garlic Chives’ , is a perennial plant related to scallions, leeks, the Chinese onion, shallots, garlic, and onions. These are native to Shanxi, a province in China where these were grown wildly before being cultivated in the Chou dynasty (around 3,000 years ago). They were grown throughout Asia before spreading to the United States, especially abundant in North America where the Chinese chives seed is readily available. In Australia these are seen more as an invasive weed that spreads rapidly and impacts the environment positively and negatively. These can also be found in mainland Europe.

This ‘Allium tuberosum’ type plant means that ‘Allium’ has edible leaves and flowers, whereas ‘tuberosum’ is under the Allium species where it’s under the wild garlic or wild onion variety. These grow from a fibrous elongated herbaceous perennial bulb, growing leaves that have triangular bases, sprouting upwards showing long dense clusters of slender green grass-like leaves that can reach up to a length of 24 inches. Chives are distinguished by its vibrant slender green leaves, typically chopped a few inches from the roots. Chopped to smaller bits and pieces when used for cooking, similar to scallions as they have a similar taste to garlic and leeks.

These might be used as an ornamental plant, but are much more commonly used as herbs, traditional medicine, or replacement for leafy vegetables. Found sold in bundles at grocery stores, wet markets, but are also found in many household backyards or mini home gardens, growing chives in pots or old water bottles. In the culinary world, the green stalks and flowers are used in recipes like omelets, savory pancakes, salads, Chinese chives can also be found in soups, the popular Chinese chives dumplings, sauces, with potatoes, fish and or beef dishes.

Chinese Chives Benefits ( Kuchay Benefits )

These types of chives or any variety of chives are a great source of fiber and nutrients. While many have just used chives as a garnish, there are actually many dishes that can be done to fully show off the flavor of these long slender leaves. Chinese chives’ nutritional value comes from a serving size of around 1 tablespoon or more daily, great for the body namely for Vitamin A, C,K,  iron, beta carotene, and thiamine that helps the body’s immunity and keep it functioning better. Here are some examples on how consuming chives can help you :

Chinese chives substitute

Chinese Chives (Kuchay) a quick harvest at home

Chinese Chives  in Tagalog, ‘Kuchay’ sometimes spelled ‘Kuchai’ or ‘Kustay’ got its name from the Chinese term ‘jiu cai’. Many Filipinos do plant them in small pots or bottles in their mini garden or balcony, not just for consumption but also as an insect repellant. They grow very easily, with harvesting it being just a quick ‘snip’ a few inches from the roots, it takes a week or so just for it to regrow back to the same length. How to cook Chinese chives (Kuchay Recipes)? You can find them in many Asian restaurants added into dishes like Chinese dumplings or Kuchay dumpling recipes, in stir-fried food, omelets, Korean and Chinese pancakes, topped over baked potatoes, mixed in egg drop soups or any stews, using it to substitute leafy vegetables or leeks, scallions, and other herbs.